Basic informations First name: Laura I am: TS MTF on treatment City/Town: Tychy Age: 43 years old Weight: 62 Height: 172 Body type: Slim Hair: Medium Hair color: Brown Eye color: Hazel Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to men About me: Kierunek obrałam. Czy pójdziesz ze mną?
Już po FFS I am looking for The main goal of acquaintance: Open relationship Other goals of acquaintance: Just looking, exchange experience, open relationship, flirt, love affair, serious relationship, marriage, sex I am looking for: Szukam zdecydowanych, dominujących mężczyzn potrafiących to wykorzystać. I am looking for: Men More about me Cigarettes: Nonsmoker - do not accept Alcohol: Do not drink Gambling: No Favorite color: Black Favorite cuisine: Mexican, Oriental, Polish, Mediterranean, vegan, vegetarian, Italian My character: Direct, sensitive, delicate, witty, quiet Clothes style: Elegant, casual, fashionable, unusual, obscene, provocative, sophisticated, provocative My dreams: Życie na własnych zasadach bez oglądania się za siebie - w trakcie realizacji 😀 My life goals: Dobra zabawa, eksploracja pragnień, podróże, poznawanie ciekawych ludzi Hobbies and interests My hobbies: Culinary, cosmetics, fashion, music, garden, travel, walking, sport, meetings with friends, animals Other hobbies: Doznania intelektualne, cielesne i zmysłowe ;-) Animals: I prefer dogs Favorites fields of knowledge: Astronomy, economics, philosophy, physics, mathematics In my free time I focus mainly on: Wypoczywanie w górach Favorite books: "Białe jabłka", "Poza górą", "Chiński maharadża", "Bóg urojony", "Siedem krótkich lekcji fizyki", "Dajcie mi popływać" Favorite movies: "Klatka dla ptaków", "Casino" Favorite TV Shows: "Astronarium" (YouTube)
"Gardeners' World" (BBC) Work and education Way of thinking: Universal Education: High School Profession/occupation: White collar worker Branch: Manufacturing Type of housing: Other Foreign languages: Angielski
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marwid3 (2023-09-24)
kipiąca seksem
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