Basic informations I am: TV/CD MTF - dual role City/Town: Płońsk Age: 45 years old Weight: 78 Height: 175 Body type: Normal Hair: Medium Hair color: Brown Eye color: Blue Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to transgenders About me: Od czasu do czasu bywam kimś jeszcze... I am looking for The main goal of acquaintance: Just looking Other goals of acquaintance: Just looking, internet friendship, exchange experience, open relationship, friendship, flirt, sex I am looking for: Kogoś na podobieństwo More about me Cigarettes: Occasional smoker Alcohol: Drink occasionally Gambling: No Favorite color: Beige Favorite cuisine: Mexican, Oriental, Polish, Mediterranean, vegan, vegetarian, Italian, Turkish, fast-food My character: Quiet, crazy Clothes style: Alternative
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