我的梦想:I've never met a trans. Only heard from the news I would like very much to meet a trans some day.
爱好: 计算机, 画画, 雕塑, 艺术, 电视
喜欢的动物: 更喜欢猫
感兴趣的领域: 电子学
空儿,我主要:I work on my laptop. I play with other operating systems. I get tired of one system. I'll just format and install another lol.
My operating system is working from a 1tb external hard drive.
喜欢的电影:Action are i'm going to sleep.
喜欢的电视剧:They don't come on tv any more unless you wanna spend money to watch a tv show. What use to be free is now a pay to view . Sad
sweetbabyxo (2024-08-02)